To new students
Welcome to the Medical Faculty! Here, we have gathered everything you need to know to get started with QPS, Quality and Progress System - a digital tool that you will use continuously throughout your study period.
As a student, you will use QPS as a tool for your learning. In QPS, all your assessment activities will be gathered. Various forms of feedback are compiled and visualized in QPS to contribute to your long-term training and development. The system provides you, as a student, with increased opportunities to systematically overview your feedback.
Learning and Assessment
We aim to facilitate self-directed learning and learning with numerous assessment opportunities where different forms of feedback are collected and visualized to contribute to long-term training and development.
In the system, everything is gathered in one place for you as a student to follow your progression. You have increased opportunities to systematically overview feedback from various forms of assessments.
QPS is used for, among other things:
- Written exams
- Form-based assessments
- Assignments
- Follow-up of results and progression
- Analysis
You log in with your student account, which you receive when you are registered as a student at the university. Access to the courses is provided at the beginning of each course. You log in to QPS via Click on "Sign in."
If you are already logged into Canvas or another university platform, you will also be logged into QPS.
If you are not logged in, you will encounter a Microsoft window. Enter your university account [at] lu [dot] se here, for example, ab1234cd [at] lu [dot] se. You will then be redirected to the university's login window, where you enter the password for your university account/student account. Note: the username is your university account [at] lu [dot] se, not, or any other email address.
You can read more about login and accounts here. If you need help with logging in, you can contact support at servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se.
Turn on notifications by logging into QPS, clicking on your name in the left column, and select 'Settings.' Scroll down to 'E-mail notifications' and set it up according to your preferences. The notifications are sent to the email linked to your account but are also visible in QPS under the clock icon in the top right corner.